Please see the following to find out how it works.

(1) The person at your company who is in charge of the payroll prepayment service will register your work data into the payroll prepayment service management system ※1

(2) In your payroll prepayment service account, at the application screen for payment, you will see the prepayment limit

(3) At the application screen, enter the amount that you would like to receive

(4) The amount you have applied for will be transferred into your account

(5) On the regular payday, your company will pay you your salary minus the payroll prepayment service usage amount (including service fees) ※2

※1 If this step has not been completed, you will not be able to use our service. Please check with your employer to make sure that your work data has been registered with the system.

※2 The salary which is paid into your account on your regular payday is not from payroll prepayment service, but it is from your company.