The prepayment limit reflected is being determined not by us, but by each company (employer).

Therefore, we are unable to resopnd to inquiries about when updates will be made.

In addition, the payroll prepayment service resets the prepayment limit to 0 yen at 12am the day after payday.

Example: If payroll closing date is the last day of the month

Applications can be submitted from the 2nd to the last day of each month.

On the first day of each month, the prepayment limit will be reset to 0 yen.

The first day of the month is the only day of the month that you will not be able to apply as you will not have worked yet that month.

You will not be able to receive the salary for the last day of the month (the day of the deadline) through the payroll prepayment service, so it will be paid by your company on your regular payday.

Please be sure to confirm the above information with the person in charge at your company before using this service.

Please click [here] if messages such as "This service is unavailable" appear.